Нормативы теста
Нормативы квалификационного теста
Первый тест (Посвящение) проводится через 2-3 месяца активных занятий в додзё, по результатам которого квалификационная степень не присваивается, а происходит официальная церемония принятия в члены Школы РСК. Выдаётся эмблема РСК (белого цвета) и членская карточка РСК, а с 10 КЮ, после результативного теста, выдаются сертификаты РСК.
10-5 КЮ - претенденты тестируется два раза в год.
4-1 КЮ - тестирование один раз в год.
1. Кихон:
Разминка ( снизу в верх ) , ибуки, маваси укэ.
Стойки: мусуби - йой - санчин - кокутсу - зенкутсу - киба - какэ - фудо.
Техника рук: цуки, уракен, сита, энпи, укэ, суто.
Техника ног: хиза, кин, мае, кеаги, йоко, усиро, маваси.
2. Идоо гейко, ренраку.
3. Ката, кумитэ:

тайкёку 1.

тайкёку 2.
тайкёку 3.
пинан 1. Кумитэ - 6
пинан 2, сакуги тайкёку 1, 2. Кумитэ - 6
пинан 3, янцу, сакуги тайкёку 3. Кумитэ - 6
пинан 4, санчин. Кумитэ - 8
гексай дай. Кумитэ - 8

пинан 5, гексай сё. Кумитэ - 8
цки но ката. Кумитэ - 10
1 ДАН (сёдан - Ренси - Семпай):
тэнсё, сайха. Кумитэ - 10
Срок активных занятий от предыдущей степени не менее 2 лет. Возраст > 15 лет. Участие в межрегиональных УТС не менее 3-х раз. Рекомендация руководителя додзе. Участие в тесте.
2 ДАН (нидан - Ренси - Семпай):
сейпай, сейенчин, гарю. Кумитэ - 20
Срок тренировочных занятий не менее 3-х лет от предыдущей степени, официально зарегистрированное додзе в РСК. Рекомендация от руководителя додзё. Возраст > 20 лет. Участие в тесте.
Наличие зарегистрированного додзё и учеников.
3 ДАН (сандан - Кёси - Сенсей):
канку, сусихо. Кумитэ - 30
Срок не менее 4-х лет от предыдущей степени, зарегистрированное додзе, организаторская деятельность в РСК. Рекомендация от Сихана. Возраст > 30 лет. Участие в тесте.
Организаторская деятельность по проведению официальных региональных и межрегиональных мероприятий(турнир,семинар).
4 ДАН (йондан - Кёси - Сенсей):
Косокун Сё, Санчин-тенсё. Кумитэ - 40
Срок не менее 5 лет от предыдущей степени, зарегистрированное додзе, организаторская деятельность в РСК. Рекомендации от двух Сиханов. Возраст > 35 лет. Участие в тесте.
Наличие нескольких додзё или региональной организации, активная деятельнтсть по проведению официальных мероприятий Российской Организации.
5 ДАН и выше (Ханси - Сихан):
Рекомендации от двух Сиханов, активная организационная деятельность в РСК, авторитет и уважение. Возраст > 40 лет. Прохождение квалификационного семинара.
Присвоение высших мастерских степеней (ДАН):
1. Двое равных мастеров выносят решение в отношении третьего равного. Например, собрались три мастера с 3 даном и по двое вынесли Решение в отношении третьего по присвоению 4 дана.
2. Конференция, Собрание, Совет додзё или организации выносит большинством голосов Решение по присвоению очередного дана претенденту.
Примечание: вынесенное Решения является окончательным, а потому одобрения со стороны не требуется. Повысить можно только на одну степень!
• He must be able to break five-inch boards with the forefist, the knife hands, or a kick.
• He must be able to successfully kick a ball suspended from the ceiling at a height above his own, eight out of 10 trise.
• He must be able to win clearly in 10 out of 20 beonsecutive fights.
• He must be able to execute all Sho-dan kata plus Seipai and Garyu.
• In addition to the ten gyakute techniques required for promotion to second dan, a person applying for this promotion must be able to execute ten additional gyakute techniques (twenty in all).
• He must be able to execute ten stick techniques (bo jutsu).
• He must have mastered the five Kyokushin kata.
• He must submit a written report on karate theore and dynamics.
• He must be able to execute hand stands with only three fingers of each
• hand on the floor.
• He must be able to kick a suspended ball with ushiro mawashigeri 24
• times out of 30 continuous attempts.
• He must be able to win elderly in 15 out of 30 consecutive fights.
• He must be able to execute Kanku and Sushiho Katas, in addition to all
• katas required for 2nd dan.
Promotion From Third Dan to Fourth Dan
1. A person applying for this promotion must have mastered five more
gyakute techniques in addition to the ones required for promotion to
third dan.
2. He must have mastered five siсkle-and-chan (kusarigama) techniques.
3. He must be able to execute ten daily-life defense techniques ; in other
words, he must be physically and mentally prepared to protect himself
under all circumstances.
4. He must submit a written report on Zen Buddhism.
He must be able to win chearly in 20 out of 40 consecutive fights.
This rank is given only to men who have a record of distinguished service
with the Kyokushinkaikan and who are recognized as model instructors.
Promotion from fourth dan to fifth dan.
This promotion is made only for men who have mastered all techniqes
from those required for Sho-dan to those required for Fourth Dan, who are
mature Human Beings, who are excellent in all techniquos, and who are
acceptable as dojo masters (Shihan). The promotion requires the approval
of the Kyokushinkaikan Committee and complete proficiency in the
following : Taikyoku 1-3, Pinan 1-5, Kyokushin kata 1-5, Yantsu, Sanchin,
Saiha, Sushiho, Kanku, Seipai, Garyu, Tensho, Gekksai dai, Gekksai sho,
Twenty-five gyakute self-defense techniques, five sickleand-chain (kusarigama) techniques, more than fifteen stick techniques (bo jutsu).
Promotion From Fifth Danto Sixth Dan
This promotion is made only for persons who, in addition to meeting all
of the requirements explained in the preceding sections, have rendered
distinguished service to the Kyokushinkaikan and are of the highest
The above regulations pertain to promotions in the Kyokushinkaikan.
Any person who fails to comply with these regulations shall not be considered
qualified as a representative of the Kyokushinkaikan.
Special considerations will be made by the Directors and Consultants
of the Kyokushinkaikan for persons who are considered especially excellent
in technical skill or in spirit and character.
Boys' Groups, Ladies Groups, And FOR MATURE ADULTS
The promotion rules outlined here do not apply to the boys groups
(children between five and thirteen years of age), the ladies' groups, or the
groups for mature adults (persons of more than thirty-five years of age).
Special consideration is taken of the circumstances of members of these
Kyu grades
1. Persons who have studied at the Kyokushinkaikan for more than three
months-or who have studied at other dojos for a comparable period-are
eligible for kyu rank testing.
2. Testing shall cover the following : Taikyoku (1-3), Yantsu, Pinan
(1-2), and basic techniques.
Promotion from kyu grades to sho dan
1. Persons desiring this promotion must submit a written report on the
names of the body as used in karate and on the definition and theory
of karate.
2. Mastery of Pinan(1-5), Tensho, Sanchin, and Saifa are required.
3. Mastery of basic techniques is required. In addition, the person must be
excellent at kumite free fighting and must be able to score at least two
points in sixty seconds.
4. The person applying for such promotion must be able to lift his own body
weight once for each year of his age (this applies only to people of the
twenty five or less years of age).
The person must be able to execute a jump kick of a height of at least four feet and must be able to jump back and forth over a four-foot pole that he is holding in his own hands.
He must be able to do thirty push-ups with only three fingers of each
hand on the floor.
7. He must be able to break three one-inch boards with the forefist, the knife hand, or a kick.
He must be able to side kick over the backs of at least five men who are crouching low.
9. He must be able to win clearly in 5 out of 10 consecutive fights.
1. A person applying for such promotion must be able to score three points
or more in kumite free fighting of sixty seconds (this kumite free fighting
must be executed with a partner of equal dan ranking).
2. He must be able to execute ten or more gyakute techniques.
He must be able to execute a jumping kick of an average height of m
than four feet and must be able to jump back and forth over a four
stick that he is holding in his own hands.
He must be able to do more than fifty push-ups with only three f